Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Shop Update

New Texture Spinning Packs just listed in the shop!  =)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hello all, this is just an update to let you know I'm have a flash sale from now until midnight for 30% off everything in the shop...=)  Use code:  LASTCYBERMON

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bi-Weekly Giveaway 11/22-11/30

Hello all...I apologize for the missed giveaway...I have been very busy!

Introducing SilkVibes 100% silk lace-weight kettle-dyed yarn!

I have just been able to include kettle-dyed, 100% silk lace-weight yarn in the shop!  To celebrate, I would like to give away a skein of it!  I am really happy to finally get some dyed yarn in the shop...I only have 3 colors in the shop currently, although more will be on the way which I'm hoping to have listed by tomorrow some time.  

The name of the yarn is SilkVibes and it is 50 g and at 545 yd each skein.

Winner of this giveaway will be able to choose any color skein I have up in the shop at the time.  Good luck!  =)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Winner 10/18-11/1!!

Hello all, I just want to say sorry for the extreme delay in posting the winner for my contest..I am now in NY for vacation!!  and getting ready for this trip took a little longer than expected.  

As for the winner, Alphagam5 who placed an order in my Etsy shop is the winner, congrats!  =)  

Thanks so much everyone who participated!

Also, due to my vacation, I will be posting the new contest when I get back by the 12th this month.  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Yarn Wench

Hello all...first I want to start by letting you all know I will be announcing the winner for my giveaway later this evening or tomorrow morning..things have been a bit hectic around here..=)  

As for this post, I would like to take some time to recognize Lynn Wigell whom I have found to be extremely talented with fiber.  Her shop is Yarn Wench on Etsy; she offers some very cool art batts, top, and the yarn she spins is just oh-so-pretty!!  Here is some of the yarn she has spun...

As you can see with this yarn, she has all kinds of coils going on in there and locks peeking out all over the place!  The turquoise she uses is actually that electrifying in person, trust me, I have had the chance to spin up some of her batts with that color in it!  

This is another very cool yarn which if you look closely, you can see all kinds of things going on with it from silks and locks to sequins!  I really love the variation in this yarn which is part of what makes an art yarn I suppose because it is anything but consistent as you would typically find with machine-spun yarn.

All I have to say is check this out!  This yarn is entitled, "Flying Spaghetti Monster Dread Yarn."  How's that for intensity?  Lynn also does a wonderfully creative description for this yarn...

"What to do with the Flying Spaghetti Monster when your not stroking him and listening to his sweet purr? Well, he likes to hang around on pieces of furniture looking mysterious. He's into hanging out on walls and he'd be pleased to live in your hair at Burning Man. He's also not opposed to having his various parts worked into a new piece all together. FSM is one adaptable guy!"
-Lynn Wigell

Here are some of her luscious batts which allow you to make your own creative yarn!

Her batts typically have so much color variation involved and lots and lots of beautiful locks!  As you can see with this last batt pictured, she has included silk cocoons!  I have purchased a batt from her before which had gold silk cocoon strippings I believe..along with all the locks of course.  If you are looking for a good art yarn spin, you definitely can't go wrong with these batts..she gives you plenty of interesting material to work with...also, if you ever find you are interested in one of her batts, make sure you grab them quick because they are sure to go fast!  =)